Thank you, Mark!

Many thanks to this awesome man, his heart is just as big as his shoulders …

He sacrificed his bakkie and his time until midnight to help us deliver food. I have seen so much patience for a long time.

He climbed out at every point and listened to people’s stories, without getting impatient or hurrying …

Thank you Mark Struwig, you are an awesome man !!!

Continue reading “Thank you, Mark!”

Feedback on Oupa Desmond

Follow-up ….
Yesterday met with Sarie Minnaar and family, our angels …
It’s going very well with Grandpa Desmond, she says he’s so quiet she does not know about him …

If anybody may have very small, warm pajamas lying around, something like Long Johns, he’s so thin and small, maybe size 28-30 will be awesome …

He still pays off some money he borrowed on his SASSA, Sarie wants to buy, but I feel she’s doing so much … Anyone can help with any contribution of any kind, please contact Sarie per inbox. …
Sarie Minnaar ..

Continue reading “Feedback on Oupa Desmond”

Marko Horn will soon provide education in the north about how to become self-sufficient.

Marko Horn will soon provide education in the north about how to become self-sufficient.

Agricultural sector …
This can not be ignore any longer.
I’m taking action in the north, workshops on urban farming and all are welcome !!
Ill post updates but get on the page People do care / People care about and follow the story as it grows.



Continue reading “Marko Horn will soon provide education in the north about how to become self-sufficient.”

Thank you for the vegetables!

Donation received here in the north, this lady grows her own vegetable in wolmer at the back of her yard, and after handing out her to her neighbors, she still has plenty to give to our project.

It made me wonder, here are many large plots in wolmer, and it is an environment with the greatest need for food, is it about scarcity of water or what will be the reason why more people do not grow vegetables themselves? Must be because of the water because, as I understand, the soil is very fertile ..

Spinach, tomatoes and carrots!
Thank you very much …

Continue reading “Thank you for the vegetables!”

We need some affordable spices, please.

Hi guys …. at the moment we spend a lot of money on spices and it does not last long because the pots are huge.
Chef is frustrated because he runs through spice and is not cheap.

Any suggestions we can get bigger size spices cheaper, as well as soup and stew thickeners.
Thank you smart people …
Pretoria north area please

Thank you, everyone!

100 L Soup and 35 loaves … R5.50 bread at Choppies ..

Thank you for everyone’s contributions that keep this project going on, I would like to thank you on this page, but because of people who see it as an opportunity to beg from you, I can not .. we do appreciate your contributions.

Continue reading “Thank you, everyone!”

people do care/mense gee om : What we do…

Ruth and Cenci (“the Chef”) does an amazing job on the streets of Pretoria North taking care of the homeless.  Everyday after work they start preparing meals for close to 200 people and then start doing their rounds at eight in the evening, dishing out food and attending to minor injuries.  Not only do they feed these people sleeping in the streets, they also find donations in all forms to clothe them, assist them with finding jobs, organise lifts to hospitals when needed, and even educate when the need arise.

Their ultimate goal is to find suitable space from where they can run a shelter offering these street people accommodation and meals they can return to after their day in the sun working as car guards, recyclers, and simply walking the streets trying to find employment.

This couple is not a registered NPO but simply do what they feel is the right thing to do.

The costs to cover the following most basic needs easily runs into R5000 to R10000 PER WEEK :

  • Food.
  • Electricity to prepare the food.
  • Fuel to distribute the food.
  • Medical supplies to attend to minor injuries.
  • A multitude of other expenses for example polystyrene containers to dish up in.

Ruth and Cenci does receive a fair amount of monetary donations every week from donors world-wide, and also a large amount of local food donations.  However, they still sponsor a large portion of these costs themselves.

And that is the reason we appeal to you for donations – 10 X R100 donations can cover the costs of their operation for one evening!

You are most welcome to follow their activities on their fb page at, and on their website at

You may donate at any time.  Please deposit your donation directly in Ruth’s bank account:

Bank: Absa
Beneficiary:  Ruth Jacobs
Type: Savings
Account number: 58169366
Branch Code: 632005
Reference: Use the name of the person or the project you would like the money to go towards, else use “Mense Gee Om”

Please donate and share this page!

Aniel needs work…

Hey guys, Aniel stopped me at Spar, he  still did not get work, his two brothers are working already, but nobody has called him yet.

This little guy is one of our sweeties, always quiet, always sober, always polite …

He has a valid code 10 license, but is willing to do ANY type of work, from gardening to painting … please guys if you can help him to get off the street as well.

Continue reading “Aniel needs work…”

Thank you!

See there, not only did they bring a huge bag of soy mince for us, (I mean really big), they also knew we did not feel like cooking and they were so right because I was hard packing clothes … is that not amazing.

I was just wondering what I’m going to cook for the kids, and here they bring an awesome ready cooked meal. If anyone ever wondered if God exists, just follow this page…

Thank you beautiful people.

Continue reading “Thank you!”

Attention people from Pretoria North!

Pretoria north …..

It came to my attention yesterday that many white men walk around and beg and many people simply assume that because they are drunk and look bad that they are street people.

I want to ask you, if these healthy young men beg from you, tell him where he can get food at night because they are always supposedly hungry – if he is on the street at night, he will get food, we have so many points around the area, he will find one close enough to him where he can get food, he can only ask. Unfortunately the chance is slim that he will come.

White people who are still on the street are very few.  We nowadays have food left where at times it was too little at times.

You do not have to support beggars with money and food as we already provide them with food. Instead, you need to help find jobs if you want to make a difference and not just moan on facebook. If you live in Pretoria North start acting and help us!

Care-groups of Pretoria North, stop dishing out food parcels for your needy families, rather find them work.  I know it means time and money, but guys, you do not help anyone providing lunch boxes every week.  During the day these guys walk and beg and then people say Ruth & Cenci draw them to the North! These guys stay in houses people, they have been in the North for a long time, we did not draw them here.

Cookies for Africa !!!!

Cookies for Africa !!!!
Thank you for your continued support every month !!!
What began as a treat has become a necessity …

These cookies are sometimes the difference for somebody starting their day hungry or not …

People sometimes forget that when they pick up a person for piecejob, that person has to work on an empty stomach before he gets his daily wage that afternoon.

Now that’s where the cookies come in …
In the morning there is a row of people in front of my gate asking for something to eat before they can start their day.

May you be blessed for what you do for less privileged people.

Without a NPO number, without having to claim back from SARS, and without having to be advertised, they just give.

The owner does not have FB, and refuses to ever be photographed.

At Pretoria North, Medical Center ….
Borders on North Park Mall, Burger Street …

Continue reading “Cookies for Africa !!!!”

Three street people died in one week.

Three street people died in one week.

Billy, Peter, and last night this uncle …

He went to sleep and just did not wake up again, we still wanted to find a safe haven for him. This uncle was blind in one eye, always silent, never said a word …

And we still do not know what’s happening to Samantha after the ambulance came to her last week.

It’s not fair that people die without feeling how it feels to sleep in a warm bed with a full stomach …

Continue reading “Three street people died in one week.”