Uncle Willie is going through deep waters …

Uncle Willie is going through deep waters …
Uncle Willie came to Pretoria with the promise of work which unfortunately did not realise. His mother stays in a hostel here in the north.

This is something that is very common nowadays, people are offered work and do not realize what that person gives up for it, travel to the palce of employment, and only to be told “Sorry we will keep you up to date or in mind …”.

His wife is waiting a hole without water in anticipation, and Willie sleeps on the street ..

Please people, can we not help this man – he knows.

Willie can do petrol & diesel mechanic work, CO2 welding, code 14 and PDP and have already made furniture from pallets …

This man will only be to your benefit, and it’s only him and his wife ..
Please help, he is despondent …

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